·Current Position:Home > 人才招聘
  • Job Title:  电工、维修工、仪表工
    Location:  广饶县稻庄镇高刘经济开发区
    Wages:  3500元以上 Release date:  2014/6/6
    Demand number:
     5-8 People
    Expiration date:
    Specific requirements:
    联系电话:  0546-6411777     联系人: 李先生
  • Job Title:  DCS操作工
    Location:  广饶县稻庄镇高刘经济开发区
    Wages:  3000元以上 Release date:  2014/6/6
    Demand number:
     3-5 People
    Expiration date:
    Specific requirements:
    联系电话:  0546-6411777     联系人: 李先生
  • Job Title:  装载机、叉车司机
    Location:  广饶县稻庄镇高刘经济开发区
    Wages:  3500元 Release date:  2014/6/6
    Demand number:
     1-2 People
    Expiration date:
    Specific requirements:
    联系电话:  0546-6411777     联系人: 李先生
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Run by Dongying Petroleum Technology Ltd. specializes in the development and production of diesel PPD, oil additives, corrosion inhibitors, crude oil demulsifier。 Site Map sitemap.xml
SCM Director Contact information: WeChat ID: t13371518556 QQ: 2741412919 Cell: +86 133 7151 8556 Mail box: petrol_kk@163.com Company website: www.dyrunke.net Alibaba shop: www.dyrunke.en.alibaba.com ADD: 257336 Gaoliu Industrial Zone, Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong, China